domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

#jornadaCMedufis in Lorca 9-april-2016: looking for a physed metholodogy change

One month ago a physical education professional development conference was held in Lorca (Murcia - Spain), and there was just a main goal: change educational methodology in physed lessons according to new technologies new era. It was originally called "Jornada por un Cambio Metodológico en Edufis"

This event was magnificently conducted and organised by Miguel Franco (@MiguelFranco2), physical education teacher at IESO Pedanías Altas and blogger. Also is a member of FOROEFYD, a professional association of physed teachers, fitness-health professional and students located in Lorca. In addition to seek a better health and physed programs at schools this association has a sharing workspace regarding PE resources.

The #jornadacmedufis was a first step in order to cover a current necessity of adapting our daily teaching activity to the new technologies, and all powerful tools they provide for connecting physed teachers.

Twitter allowed us to meet awesome Gloria Herrero's and Meritxell Monguillot's experiences they were carrying out at their schools. That encouraged to ask them a professional development proposal, so finally we got them at this amazing event.


Summarizing, Gloria and Meritxell shared their work with us, they sort out our logic doubts, and we eventually tried to generate new ideas and create new professional networks for physed projects.

At the same time, participants could become confortable with new tools, knew new learning environments and how to design educational experiences.

My takeaways from this outstanding event:

  • To connect students, teachers and families is an essential aim to develop useful learning environments. New technologies have an important rol for that purpose.
  • To change is going to be hard, it is an adjetive really attached to "change" definition.
  • Teachers must neglect the fact that they are the only owners of knowledge.
  • To collaborate is better than compete when a learning output is chased.
  • To motivate students will be narrowly related to taking into account emotions in our lesssons.

Juegos interactivos para aprender Primeros Auxilios en Inglés - First Aid Interactive Games

Gracias a las TIC podemos acercarnos, de una forma simulada, a situaciones en las que la toma de decisiones es básica para la resolución de problemas. Muchos videojuegos vienen a demostrar esta máxima, instrumentos en los que tomamos las riendas de ciertos personajes cuyos destinos están en nuestras manos, dirimiéndose con cada una de las acciones escogidas.

Es por esta razón que podemos aprender a solucionar problemas ante supuestos simulados a los mandos de nuestro teclado de ordenador, y en el post de hoy os voy a enumerar una serie de recursos que ayudan a trabajar los primeros auxilios a través de juegos interactivos.

La principal razón que me llevó a escribir este post es el momento en el que me encontré con un juego interactivo creado por la Cruz Roja y la Diputació de Barcelona.


El juego está muy bien logrado, con situaciones domésticas para resolver, y relativamente antiguo (2007). Mal por mí no haberlo conocido antes :/

Then I had to look for English spoken resources so I have found next games:

Victoria has remembered me a shocking and astonishing video I watched when visiting Hospital Reina Sofía (in Murcia) with my 15 year-old student. It is an advertising campaign from TAC (Transport Accident Commision) Victoria. It was dramatic to see students crying because of this video. Here you have it, it is so interesting.

Games you can find from Ambulance Victoria: 

Podréis comprobar que a través de estas actividades interactivas los alumnos podrán obtener información precisa sobre vocabulario específico, but watch out!, this website is in Australian English, so maybe you can find some differences when surfing British or American webs.

It is a first aid charity in England, it has a website with tons of resources for teachers and people who is interested in First Aid.

Pero he encontrado un juego, creado para St John Ambulance, que nos sirve para practicar nuestros conocimiento sobre primeros auxilios metiéndonos en el rol de John. Se llama "Rescue Run"

Paseando por la calle nos encontraremos con diferentes situaciones y/o accidentes que afrontaremos con el estrés debido ya que tienes que ser rápido en tus decisiones para salvar vidas.